004. “I’m controlling? What about Apple?”

After reviewing the world of copyright, the ever-changing technologies and convergence of media, one thing can be questioned:

Do we still have control with our devices?

In regards to locked appliances v. generative platforms, and along with the case study of Apple and Android (shown in my YouTube video), the answer appears to be NO.

Now, being a consumer of Android myself, of course I am biased towards their products – their open-source system where you can design apps and their use for an open market creates more choices and diversity for clients, in which even certain manufacturer’s of Android has their own creation of Android, providing extra features and capabilities for users.

Or a closed source system like Apple where you just use what has already been approved and choices are limited. Apple keeps 30% of the money from each app or in-app-purchase sold through its App Store.

Maybe it’s not about whether or not we as consumers would really use the ability of designing apps yourself, but to have the choice and ability to decide what you can or cannot use for yourself.

Enjoy your variety of ‘choice’.

Till next time,


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