007. Twihard Transmedia

“Transmedia storytelling represents a process where integral elements of a fiction get dispersed systematically across multiple delivery channels for the purpose of creating a unified and coordinated entertainment experience. Ideally, each medium makes it own unique contribution to the unfolding of the story.” Henry Jenkins

In a 2007 TED conference Lawrence Lessig argues that “Culture moved from a read-write to a read-only existence.” If this is believed to be true, then transmedia represents a form in which aspects of a fiction get dispersed across multiple delivery channels to develop a unified entertainment experience. In my SoundCloud I discuss an example of transmedia through the universally popular – although probably not widely loved – franchise of Twilight

Further proof of the franchises lingering form of transmedia is through it parodies, merchandise and retelling of the novels through films.

1. Twilight Parodies:

2. A whole movie dedicated to the Twilight Saga – Vampires Suck

3. Twilight Dolls:


4. Twilight merchandise:

download (1)

As stated by Henry Jenkins ‘the most gifted transmedia artists also surf these marketplace pressures to create a more expansive and immersive story than would have been possible otherwise,’ highlighting the use of marketing to young females elicits a near-frenzy and excitement of the allure of eternal love.


  1. http://henryjenkins.org/2007/03/transmedia_storytelling_101.html
  2. https://transmediajournalism.org/contexts/what-is-transmedia-storytelling/
  3. http://www.theguardian.com/film/filmblog/2012/nov/16/twilight-saga-marketing-hollywood
  4. http://www.chicagonow.com/thats-awesome/2010/06/30-tragically-awesome-twilight-tattoos/#image/1


2 Comments Add yours

  1. sarlewis says:

    I really enjoyed the perspective that you’ve taken with this post. With such as array of sources and quotes you obviously have a great grasp on the entire topic. Referencing twilight is always a risky move but its an obvious example of transmedia story telling and how fans have lost their sh*t over the movies and are the backbone of the success. I think parodies are an intriguing concept- in the sense that even though they are pretty much making fun of the subject, they are also promoting it. Your reference to TED talks is also a very credible piece of research which supports your entire piece. Your inclusion of video clips only adds to your display of obvious in depth research and understanding. well done 🙂


  2. eathcass says:

    The twighlight Saga was an excellent example to use, as a brother of a younger sister who went full twighhard i watched as my sister read and re read every book and spin off religiously. The layout of this post was excellent i thought with the inclusion of additional examples such as the dolls, parody movie and merchandise. Apologies if you did mention it but i know there are also additional book/novellas written by Steph Meyer that cover back stories and spin off stories such as “The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner” which contribute additional information to the main storyline as well as providing interesting extras for fans.


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